FreeRTOS™ is an open source real-time operating system kernel available for a large number of microcontroller platforms and small devices. The design follows the principle to be small and simple.

UDE® Support

With an additional add-on, UDE® provides extended functions for software development of real-time critical applications, which are under control of the FreeRTOS™ real-time operating system.

  • FreeRTOS™ support is provided as UDE® Add-On and extends a UDE® basic debugger license
  • FreeRTOS Add-On consists of the FreeRTOS Support Window that provides a comprehensive and detailed view to information about FreeRTOS™ resources and objects
  • The shown information is directly collected from the target system
  • No separate description file or similar is needed
  • Available information depends on particular FreeRTOS™ configuration. Configuration is determined at compile time and does not change during run-time ... read more.